Favourite Knitting Podcasts

Like many knitters, I follow A LOT of knitting podcasts. On this page, I will be sharing with you my favourite knitting podcasts.

Roxanne Richardson https://www.youtube.com/@RoxanneRichardsonShe is my absolute favourite knitting podcaster and I’ve been following her for several years now. I owe her almost everything. It’s through her that I got to understand how wide and varied the knitting tradition actually is.
Her channel has a massive amount of content.
She publishes 2 videos per week. One is her “Technical Tuesdays”. She’s a certified knitting instructor and it shows. Her explanations are well-filmed, clear and – importantly – she tells for what and to what effects you might want to choose a specific technique. What I also appreciate is that she’s got the kindness of organising this content into playlists. As of October 2023, her socks playlist has 52 different videos, her binding off /casting off) has 16 videos, her mitten techniques is 33 videos long, etc.
On Friday, she publishes her “Casual Friday Podcasts”